What does it mean to empower yourself? Good freaking question, right?!?!
Aren’t I powerful if I feel like I’m being a productive member in society? Or meeting my personal goals? Being the person I feel like I should be? Making it to work on time… Paying the bills….
I used to think that was what it meant to be “successful” or empowered. If I wasn’t struggling by society's standards. As my journey evolved, being empowered took on new meaning. I started to tune into my body more. Look at my cyclic nature as a divine feminine being and the cyclic nature of the earth and universe. I started to question the standards I judged myself against.
What are these rules anyway? My biggest life rules are kindness and compassion. I felt like I had this for other souls but when it came to me I couldn’t let myself “off the hook”. I didn’t deserve a break or I didn’t know how to take it. I wasn’t a good mother if I didn’t wake up early and give until there was nothing left to give. I wasn’t a good mother if I didn’t plan perfect holidays. I wasn’t a good friend if I didn’t make it to every invitation. I felt like I needed to be doing these things to have self worth. It was really painful for me. I think it is for a lot of us but we don’t know another way of being. We don’t know how to RECEIVE. It feels good to be the giver and let others receive but somehow I felt really uncomfortable being on the receiving end. Wasn’t I supposed to be everything to everyone all at once?
Cause I’m a black belt when I’m beating up on myself, but I’m an expert at giving love to somebody else. - Demi Lavato
When I started to realize the supreme overwhelm was driven by unrealistic expectations and deeply rooted in patriarchal conditionings I started to embrace the ancient wisdom of women and sisters of our lineage. The women that didn’t judge by our same standards. The women that were innately WORTHY. The woman that came together in sisterhood to support each other through losses, challenges, love, children, our bleed cycles and all things woman. The stuff men do not have the same capacity to understand.
We have been separated from the deep ways of sisterhood. We have taken on this new idea of taking on the world alone. A world that constantly drives us apart. Drives us from our power. Our mama’s are tired from it, their mamas before them are tired from it. We have this incredible opportunity to take that shit back!!!
How though? By every moment that you live more present free of fear. Every moment you see other souls struggling and see them with complete compassion instead of judgment. By the profound realization that we are all one. “Recognize the other person is you”- Yogi Bhajan
How the meaning of empowerment shifted for me….
I feel empowered through presence. I feel empowered by finding pleasure. Pleasure in vulnerability, food, sex, self care, curiosity, nature, and even routine. I take back my power through gratitude. I’m so grateful for the services I pay for that allow me to be warm and have access to knowledge. I’m grateful for opportunities to show love and understanding. I’m so grateful to the other souls in my life that elevate my vibration through their magic… the list goes on and on.
Empowering yourself is taking back your body. Calling yourself home when you feel over extended. Call yourself home with grace and understanding. By honoring your boundaries. Empowerment to me is finding ways to nourish myself instead of numbing myself. Empowerment to me is honoring all of my emotions. Not just the joy and laughter but also the grief and shame. Holding space for ourselves even when it feels inconvenient. Empowering myself in my journey has slowly unfolded as I have had new experiences and revelations about my divine essence. Empowerment to me is deep self acceptance and being in flow instead of resistance. Love for all the experiences that have led me to where I sit today writing these words….
#SamanthaHibbs #Hypnosis #Channel #Healer #HypnoticJourney #Wellness #Magic #Healing #PreparingforHypnoticJourney