Hi sweet souls, I'm so glad you're here. I'm
Intuitive Hypnosis Channel & Divine Guide
My passion is in uplifting other souls through spiritual work. Empowering you through wisdom and hypnotic journey to embody your true essence. When we strip away ego and conditioning we can see the deep interconnectedness of life that leads to more self acceptance, less judgment, more love, peace, and pleasure in this human experience. I deeply believe that we each are doing the best with what we have in each moment and our spiritual experiences help us see that more clearly. By realizing your own divine light the world will naturally be brighter and full of potential. I’m SO excited to be a part of your soul's journey of remembering.
In transpersonal hypnosis, the goal is to access and work with the deeper levels of your consciousness to promote healing, personal growth, and transformation. Through hypnotic guidance we achieve a trance like state where we have access to soul memories, wisdom and a space to work through challenges related to personal beliefs and experiences. Within this altered state, you are more open to accessing the subconscious mind and exploring your spiritual essence.

“Hypnotic regression is perhaps the single most powerful intervention for creating a change in an individual’s character in the shortest amount of time.”- Allen Chips

My goal is to create a sacred space where love, wisdom, and healing come together, inspiring individuals to live authentically, radiate their unique brilliance and contribute to our collective awakening.
How would you like me to support you?
Creating Sacred Ritual Space
Have fun with these ideas to cultivate a space of your own that brings through your intentions, ancestors, inspirations, manifestations, guidance and anything that you want to hold and channel energy for.